
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

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The bulb. This motif, which became the symbol of Sébastien Méhal, came long before he became a painter.

As a child, in Fort-de-France, he was fascinated by these bulbs hanging on the ceilings of the shacks in Trénelle which would light up one after another at nightfall, like a random garland lighting up from house to house. Opposite, in the district of Didier, he attended this show which was replayed every day, embracing in a panoramic view that part of the town made of makeshift houses overlapping and often unfinished. “I used to wonder what lives were lit up by those bulbs appearing between doors and windows. It was so hot that people used to leave their house open to let the air circulate”, he remembers.

These child’s questionings became a fertile ground of inspiration for the artist who thinks, today, of man in the city, the complexity of a galloping urbanisation devouring the identity of the architecture of the Caribbean, the powerful globalisation under which the same models of cities multiply with ever higher buildings and the exacerbation of social tensions.”

Stéphanie Pioda