
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

Practical information

I invite you to run with me, blindfolded, barefoot, bare-chested, on a tightrope.
Reducing the spaces between us is urgently needed against our inner terrorism.

That is the price for leaving these prickly climbing plants in the heart of the “Black Forest”.
Black Forest is not an artistic project.
It is a stroll in real time along the endless paths of our existential doubts.
It is the outline of a long site-specific walk on the axis of risk-taking.
It is an attempt to deconstruct the certitudes that people our sleepless nights.
It is the imprint of fragile ice towers on unknown territory.

Black Forest like a strange dream at the gates of oblivion.
Black Forest like a hyphen between happiness and sadness.
Black Forest like a suite of different shapes in the service of aestheticism.
Black Forest a portrait of the escape mechanism from the ditch of dark yokes and spars.
Black Forest an emergency call to good sense in the face of the terror of our extremisms.
Black Forest for spiritual action to sign the sober text of a human posture.

This project is a practical reflection/vision of the act of doing or not doing.
From bronze to resin-scented wood, from fibre glass to wire,
Neons* like torches for finding the way or beating a path,
Leafing through exploration all the way to the deepest zones of frustration that seethe within us,
A universe of diversity through different media and techniques in an ambiance of dynamism.

A huge cage* suspended above our heads.
Totems* matching the scale of the Dogons*, the perfect décor for a reality both so near and so far from us
From La Cour de ma mère* to Sugar Cane* and Eseka*,
The abundance of Terres Riches* , all brought together in a place charged with history.

Sounds of megapolises at the heart of The Invasion* combined with birdsong from here and elsewhere.
Streetlamps, like fireflies, will guide our steps on the rum road and the mysteries hidden in the forest.
We will walk through brambles, gallows and romances, photographic poems like a sacred ritual.

Black Forest is like prancing joyously through life, blindfolded and on a tightrope.
It’s a moment of interrogating the world’s imaginary and what it contains.
It is intended to be a portrait of multiple-man, man-god, man-religion, man of rituals and taboos.

Black Forest is the quest for uncertainty.
It is a way of celebrating our incomprehension.

Pascale Marthine Tayou
