
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

Practical information

One of the most important artists of his generation, Hervé Télémaque (born in Haiti in 1937) started his career as a painter in New York before settling down in Paris where he contributed to the birth of the Narrative Figuration movement at the beginning of the 1960’s.

At first positioned at the meeting point of surrealism and pop art, his work draws as much from his personal history as from a deep reflection on  the object that allows Télémaque to explore the relationship between images and language in a playful way.

Being a follower of the “clear line” and often combining paintings and real objects before working on collages and assemblages, Télémaque, throughout his evolution, brings a poetic and political look at the world without ever denying his Haitian roots.

With a set of paintings, drawings, collages and assemblages showing the diversity of his work, the exhibition, organised in partnership with Centre Pompidou, was the inaugural event of the new spaces of the Fondation Clément.