
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

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Among the many questions on the artistic evolution of the Caribbean, the validity of the regional identity in particular endures in this era of globalisation.

While the art world – and art market more specifically – is tempted to adopt a common, easily-identifiable definition (such as ‘Latin American’ art), many artists do not recognise themselves as belonging to it. It is my personal belief that artists defy all classification.

My selection of artists for this exhibition reflects and illustrates this stance. Each artist has a unique vision, style and aesthetic, reinforced by the use of innovative media necessary to their expression. This is why I think that artists are not primarily concerned with the construction of a regional discourse.
My aim with this exhibition is not only to show that this archipelago has generated a large number of artists deserving of this title, but rather to highlight the universality of their so-called ‘regional’ visions. I applaud their efforts, regardless of the context in which they have emerged. Whether framed by public policy or the expression of independent creativity, fervent and unique, I am delighted to pay tribute to them and present their work.”

Based on a text by Edouard Duval Carrié, exhibition curator