
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

Practical information

Making the West Indies the place and theme of painting means nothing less than bravely exposing oneself to the risks inherent in such a powerful historical background.

In her work, Catherine Théodose denies, eludes and demystifies the dislocation between the verbs peinturer and peindre, both meaning “to paint”, that have entered into linguistic usage in our countries. This explains her propensity for uniting the two aspects of the social use of colours: that of the craftsman and the painter, respectively. However, more than just lexical the issue borders on the allegorical. “The work” cannot escape the tropism of intense confrontations. The colourful abundance of vegetation in the foreground (the artist’s proclaimed symbolic motherland), the monumentality of the hills, the theatricality of a stormy sky, the chromatic and luminous micro-climates, the high reliefs in dark blue that stand out from a sky of white clouds are just some of the intensities and immensities that minimise buildings and humans.
Based on a text by Jean Bernabé, writer