
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

Practical information

The work of Serge Hélénon is characterised by a practice of appropriation, diversion and recycling. He appropriates the debris of the world and combines it.

He collects scattered fragments and assembles them. These dispersed elements, taken from the real world, are gathered together to contribute to the emergence of a new whole. The work is composed of fragments that are both solitary and united, brought together in a new context. Diverted from their initial function, these fragments are upgraded to a new future. Serge Hélénon thriftily creates works that bear the aesthetics of encounter. Often three-dimensional, they evoke a kind of dwelling from his childhood in Martinique. This artist produces assemblies that refer to a way of life built on salvage and recycling. His works, made from pallet wood, fabric and a collection of different materials are, as the artist puts it, “places of painting”. In addition to their wealth of material effects, they are also painted in extremely contrasting colours. Black, white, red, and blue resonate with one another, by turns entering into dialogue or clashing together, producing highly intense chromatic effects.