
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

Practical information

An invitation to journey into the depths of the night, where the invisible takes on unexpected forms, those of night terrors, childhood nightmares or elusive dreams.

A combination of curiosity and fear kindle our desires and exacerbate our passions.

See without being seen. Capture the intimate, the unsayable.

On a quest for real or dreamt-up stories, Philippe Virapin roams and meanders, maintaining a precarious balance between the surprise of a wonderful discovery and danger.

Devotion, fascination, awe, questioning, the image is nothing but the reflection of his need to better tame his surroundings, to own what he confesses to and, above all, what he keeps quiet.


A dual perception, a permanent interplay of shadow and light, a fine and well-honed studio technique give his message its full meaning.

Through sixteen photographs, the artist-photographer allows us to assume, glimpse and touch upon elements without ever revealing to us this part of a soul, his soul, taking as much pleasure in unveiling it to the beings and things he encounters on his wanderings.