
The Foundation is open 365 days a year. Exhibitions are free of charge from 9am to 6:30pm.

Practical information

It’s the metal frame of the islands that Hervé Beuze has chosen to set out, to account for the breaks and the permanencies that characterise our modern lives…

Patched together lives. Obvious scars of the skin, piece after piece, sewed back together to make a new life. The ever mobile intermingling of materials recovered over the centuries, and imaginative ways to stand up to misery and continue, proud, and move forward.

Lives of yesteryear. And the works then call us to silence. That of monumental tombs where new people assemble in the living memory of their genesis and victories where they heal the wound revived by the red terror of their incandescent resin.

Lives of today, as well. And the works then weave, with their modernised hair of cables digging into our brains, the constant cords which save the island from loneliness, and, at the same time, undo the highly won freedoms.

Lives to come, despite everything. And the works then proclaim the flower blooming from the cutting where each petal hand in hand, in a heart-shaped arc, the arms forming an archipelago, the country, pushed by the utopia that strengthens it, walks towards the lights where it reinvents itself.

Alfred Alexandre